Sky-Hype Real Estate Portal

for Sky-Hype FZCO
Dubai, UAE

Welcome, my name is Franz Geffke. I help organizations such as skyhype succeed online: Increase reach and revenue, sharpen customer focus and lower aquisition cost and integrate with AI - If you think it's time to grow, contact me.

You are here because you clicked on the referral link on my clients website: .

The challenge

Sky-Hype AG approached me with the vision to plan, design, develop and maintain the largest, free property portal in the world. With a powerful metasearch engine and over 100 planned source portals, a huge project!

Evolution from 2016 - 2019

What I did


  • Free real estate listings in over 100 countries
  • Private account area, user profiles, messaging system
  • Listings with up to 50 high-resolution images, drafts
  • Translated in 10 languages, 48 more planned
  • Metasearch engine with 8 sources, more planned
  • Import from OpenImmo and KyeroXML
  • Mobile ready

Real estate listings

Sky-Hype allows for easy and free real estate listings in over 100 countries all around the world. It takes less than 1 minutes to register and create the first listing.


The site’s translation is centrally managed and allows for unlimited flexibility. At the moment we’re supporting 10 languages with over 48 planned.

  • German
  • English
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Greek
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Turkish
  • Japanese

Metasearch engine

The custom, Python based metasearch engine already connects to 8 sources with over 100 more planned.

  • Germany;
  • Spain;
  • France;
  • Portugal;
  • Russia;
  • UK;
  • Sweden;
  • Switzerland;

Website technology

Initially developed on ExpressionEngine 2, then 3, Sky-Hype is now powered by Nest.js.

  • Nest.js backend (100% Typescript)
  • Vue 2 / Nuxt.js frontend with Vuex state management
  • Responsive design
  • Image storage on Amazon S3
  • Custom, Python based metasearch engine with over 8 sources
  • Custom, OpenImmo & KyeroXML Import tools written in Typescript

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