Filtafry Franchisee Website

for Filta Group Europe
Ulft, Netherlands

Welcome, my name is Franz Geffke. I help organizations such as filtafry succeed online: Increase reach and revenue, sharpen customer focus and lower aquisition cost and integrate with AI - If you think it's time to grow, contact me.

You are here because you clicked on the referral link on my clients website: .

Filtafry franchisee websites are a powered by a homegrown system based on Jekyll and maintained trough a central repository. All sites look identical, though feature unique contact details and run on a custom domain. It’s a cost-effective, no-brainer web solution for Filtafry franchisees.


Website(s) technology

This website is powered by Jekyll, a static site generator that compiles raw assets such as Markdown files into a deployment ready website that allows for secure, efficient hosting without PHP, MYSQL or downtime.

  • Completely static
  • Mobile-first design
  • Hosted on AWS S3, AWS CloudFront CDN (99.9% SLA)
  • Secured by SSL Certificate

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